When smoking marijuana, the most important thing to be aware of is being safe from the law. Possession of marijuana charges are very serious and can be drastic to someones life. So, i offer a guide to help all of us stoners stay out of real trouble.
My first rule is to never carry more than you can eat!! There have been many times where i've been pulled over or confronted by a cop and the only thing that kept me out of jail was ingesting all of my buds before the cop had a chance to search me. If you don't have a chance to eat your weed, never consent to a search. A cop cannot search you on impulse, they must have a warrant!
Never leave the house with paraphenelia!! Many of my friends have been caught not with weed on them but with a bong or a pipe. If you are going to smoke on the go I strongly suggest pre-rolling a blunt or a joint. This way you don't have to worry about a bag of pot or a pipe in your possession. All of the evidence is smoked and no matter how toasted you are, a cop can't do anything about it!
Try to have weed in your car as rarely as possible, but if you do have to carry it have a good spot!! There are many places to hide your bud that even if a cop searches your car, you won't be caught. Everyday object are the best places to hide weed, for example I hide mine in the extra blade reservoir or a razor. I've even had a cop hold it in his hand, slide the blade and set it back down! Other good spots are empty soda cans and inside the battery spot of various toys and electronics. Also, if your car has any parts that pop off or "break" and are easily put back in place. I've seen people hide their weed in broken arm rests, radios and even an airbag hole.
Always have eyedrops on you!!! Being able to appear sober is a very important part of smoking weed. Jacked up, bloody red eyes are acceptable sometimes but there are times where you don't want everyone to know that you are higher than the moon. Visine makes mini bottles that fit perfectly into those little pockets of jeans. I always prefer rohto v, although they are more expensive.
Don't hotbox!! I cannot stress this enough, smoking in your car is the easiest way to be caught. Something as minuscule as a traffic violation can have you put behind bars when the cop sees smoke billowing out of your vehicle. Parking isn't much better because police do patrol looking for cars parked where they aren't supposed to be Also, if a cop smells pot, and trust me if you smoke in your car they will, they will call a k-9 unit which gives them reasonable cause to search. Either smoke in a house, or walk away from your car.
Always keep an air deodorizer in your car. I recommend Ozium, which can be ordered here Smoke Shop. One spray of that stuff complete eliminates the smell of smoke, very handy. A car that smells like pot is NEVER safe.
Last but not least, don't appear sketchy when making a deal. Never make a deal in an empty parking lot. Think about what it looks like to people watching you. If you meet up with your dealer, shake their hand (giving them the money) and chat for a minute then when you are about to depart, shake his hand again in which he hands you the weed. That way it appears to be two people having a little chat, not suspicious at all. If you can help it though, make your deals in a private place.
If you follow these guidelines, you will greatly decrease your chance of being caught to slim to none. Be safe and be smart everyone!
My first rule is to never carry more than you can eat!! There have been many times where i've been pulled over or confronted by a cop and the only thing that kept me out of jail was ingesting all of my buds before the cop had a chance to search me. If you don't have a chance to eat your weed, never consent to a search. A cop cannot search you on impulse, they must have a warrant!
Never leave the house with paraphenelia!! Many of my friends have been caught not with weed on them but with a bong or a pipe. If you are going to smoke on the go I strongly suggest pre-rolling a blunt or a joint. This way you don't have to worry about a bag of pot or a pipe in your possession. All of the evidence is smoked and no matter how toasted you are, a cop can't do anything about it!
Try to have weed in your car as rarely as possible, but if you do have to carry it have a good spot!! There are many places to hide your bud that even if a cop searches your car, you won't be caught. Everyday object are the best places to hide weed, for example I hide mine in the extra blade reservoir or a razor. I've even had a cop hold it in his hand, slide the blade and set it back down! Other good spots are empty soda cans and inside the battery spot of various toys and electronics. Also, if your car has any parts that pop off or "break" and are easily put back in place. I've seen people hide their weed in broken arm rests, radios and even an airbag hole.
Always have eyedrops on you!!! Being able to appear sober is a very important part of smoking weed. Jacked up, bloody red eyes are acceptable sometimes but there are times where you don't want everyone to know that you are higher than the moon. Visine makes mini bottles that fit perfectly into those little pockets of jeans. I always prefer rohto v, although they are more expensive.
Don't hotbox!! I cannot stress this enough, smoking in your car is the easiest way to be caught. Something as minuscule as a traffic violation can have you put behind bars when the cop sees smoke billowing out of your vehicle. Parking isn't much better because police do patrol looking for cars parked where they aren't supposed to be Also, if a cop smells pot, and trust me if you smoke in your car they will, they will call a k-9 unit which gives them reasonable cause to search. Either smoke in a house, or walk away from your car.
Always keep an air deodorizer in your car. I recommend Ozium, which can be ordered here Smoke Shop. One spray of that stuff complete eliminates the smell of smoke, very handy. A car that smells like pot is NEVER safe.
Last but not least, don't appear sketchy when making a deal. Never make a deal in an empty parking lot. Think about what it looks like to people watching you. If you meet up with your dealer, shake their hand (giving them the money) and chat for a minute then when you are about to depart, shake his hand again in which he hands you the weed. That way it appears to be two people having a little chat, not suspicious at all. If you can help it though, make your deals in a private place.
If you follow these guidelines, you will greatly decrease your chance of being caught to slim to none. Be safe and be smart everyone!
um, no, check your facts. maybe ask an attorney for real advice. good tip witht he utility knife hiding spot, I'll have to keep that in mind.