Sunday, January 24, 2010

Marijuana myths and facts

Myth: Marijuana can cause permanent brain damage.
Fact: There is no scientific evidence that smoking weed cause any psychological or mental damage. All effects of marijuana have been found to be completely temporary.

Myth: Marijuana is highly addictive
Fact: There is absolutely no link between marijuana and physical dependency. Almost all people that smoke weed regularly can stop without difficulty. I myself smoked every single day for half a year and come new years i quit cold turkey and now its been 24 days, i'm attempting to make it to February before i smoke again.

Myth: Marijuana kills brain cells
Fact: No scientific tests have found any harmful effects of marijuana on the brain, even in high dosage, long term usage patients.

Myth: Marijuana impairs memory
Fact: Memory loss from marijuana only lasts as long as intoxication. Once the effects are gone, short term memory fully comes back.

Myth: Marijuana is a gateway drug
Fact: For every 104 people that have used marijuana, there is only 1 user of cocaine, and less than one heroin addict.

Myth: Marijuana is very bad for your health

As early as 1972 The National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse concluded that while marijuana was not entirely safe, its dangers had been heavily overstated.

In 1995, based on thirty years of scientific research, editors of the British medical journal Lancet concluded that "the smoking of cannabis, even long term, is not harmful to the health."

In fact, smoking marijuana helps to reduce the nausea with cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. It also stimulates appetite with AIDS patients and many more benefits of marijuana keep showing up even today.

Today many people use marijuana as a medicine. Although its illegal, they risk being arrested and they could even go to jail but its obviously worth it for these people.

Why would you take away a medicine that helps ease the pain for incurable diseases, let these people smoke there weed and enjoy the time they got left without pain so they can spend there last few years being happy.

This myth is not only busted! The opposite has been proven, and I hope that one day this big taboo about marijuana will disappear and we can all smoke weed in peace.

1 comment:

  1. sources...? unreliable info, and not enough real info to get you an readers.

    keep it up thougk, I'm sure you'll get your blog up and worth reading eventually.
